We are living in an age where new media art is constantly produced and technology is progressing faster. Things of course have changed but the main thing is that some of these key concepts carry over from medium to medium. We could see media become widespread with the invention of the printing press and this example is just one of many throughout history where technology has innovated media, specifically media art. We went from print to radio to television to the internet, and now we are playing with what we perceive as reality. Some new technologies are beginning to slowly push out old methods of consuming media. In pair with scientific research and form follows function why would we waste time reading every detail in a giant book when we can just watch a video about the things we are interested in. This perception of quick learning and gathering of information has reshaped our society in pair with our smartphones. We live in an age of digital addicts who receive their quick fixes through consuming media. We live in a world that is overstimulated and our brains are having a hard time keeping up because it is not human. This is on the corporate side of media usage. But in this class, we looked at ways artists used new media to express and convey important messages. Media consumption was once seen as a leisure activity that would encompass a small part of our lives. But as technology progressed it quickly overtook our lives. Screen time is not a luxury but a necessity.
At this age, we have so many tools to get our messages out and as artists, we need to choose the right tool to use. An artist can completely immerse a viewer in their art thanks to technology. Like I said before while mediums change the same basic ideas are consistent when we create art. We are pushing art to become as personal as it has ever been. We live in a world where anyone can get funding for their project. As a society, we are progressing further into a more unified and decentralized means of producing media. The internet has allowed the artist to share their art without the gatekeeper. Engineers can now fund projects with support from communities rather than corporations. While media art is used in the wrong ways by corporations I see that in the future we will be moving towards a world where media art promotes human nature and not consumption. I believe the reason our world is becoming more decentralized is because of the internet. The internet has allowed humans to evolve in real-time. We often find ourselves in virtual worlds where race and borders don't matter. This in turn helps create a society that is more acceptable to foreign people and cultures. Humans have become naturally smart because of the smartphones we carry in our pockets. Answers are just a couple of clicks away through the magic of google. The internet has been unifying the world but at the same time, many things can be fixed.
At this age, we have so many tools to get our messages out and as artists, we need to choose the right tool to use. An artist can completely immerse a viewer in their art thanks to technology. Like I said before while mediums change the same basic ideas are consistent when we create art. We are pushing art to become as personal as it has ever been. We live in a world where anyone can get funding for their project. As a society, we are progressing further into a more unified and decentralized means of producing media. The internet has allowed the artist to share their art without the gatekeeper. Engineers can now fund projects with support from communities rather than corporations. While media art is used in the wrong ways by corporations I see that in the future we will be moving towards a world where media art promotes human nature and not consumption. I believe the reason our world is becoming more decentralized is because of the internet. The internet has allowed humans to evolve in real-time. We often find ourselves in virtual worlds where race and borders don't matter. This in turn helps create a society that is more acceptable to foreign people and cultures. Humans have become naturally smart because of the smartphones we carry in our pockets. Answers are just a couple of clicks away through the magic of google. The internet has been unifying the world but at the same time, many things can be fixed.