Approach and Space
For this project, I wanted to play with the ideas of memories. While I could've gone back to my old school, I decided to take a more personal route and locate these sounds at my old house. The only problem was my old house was turned into a business/residence. I first mapped out the house with google maps and placed these sounds accordingly. I wanted the user to transition smoothly from one sound to another. I also wanted them to question sounds that would be explained later in the walk. I called the farm various time and was unable to contact the owners. The farm is open to the public and I decided to take a self-guided tour while I recorded my walk. I was unable to get inside my house which disappointed me. A lot of sounds I had planned were placed in the house and, I had to abandon them. But with the areas, I had available I was able to capture the gist of it. The video I not supposed to serve as the walk itself but rather as a showcase of how this idea can be implemented. I was also inspired by the sound walks we viewed in class.
This place has a very special place in my heart but as well historically. It is one of the oldest buildings in Longmont and there is so much that can be placed here besides my experiences. But when you tailor it to a story you can be immersed in the story far more than if you were just listening to random audio clips. I want people to go back in time and try to visualize the stories I am telling in my narration.
This place has a very special place in my heart but as well historically. It is one of the oldest buildings in Longmont and there is so much that can be placed here besides my experiences. But when you tailor it to a story you can be immersed in the story far more than if you were just listening to random audio clips. I want people to go back in time and try to visualize the stories I am telling in my narration.