Original Tweet


Drawing of tweets
Cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse) is a collaborative drawing approach first used by surrealist artists to create bizarre and intuitive drawings - TATE gallery.
As a surreal artist, I often find myself using the techniques of the surrealist in my work. My original idea for this project was completely different. I wanted to create a Twitter account that would change from person to person. I would post the user and password on campus and see what happens. However, there were too many issues I would run into since I had no control over the account. The idea of an exquisite corpse was brought up to me by my TA, Eliseo. This surreal technique involved the person replying to participate in creating a narrative that I would, in turn, draw. I made a Twitter thread and had anyone reply to create a story about anamorphic chairs.
I choose to create my drawing in pencil because of how loose it is, like how loose the story is. A pencil can be erased, and just like my story, things are never set in stone. I had no problem drawing out the chairs as I tend to create surreal images naturally. Creating people with chair heads did not prove difficult. I also decided not to focus on details of the drawing just like how there are few details in my narrative. I would have done more if we were not limited to 4 posts.